Search results for keyword: Therapy.

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  • Accreditation by Complementary Medical Association
  • 16 units

This online course in A Level Psychology created according to AQA’s syllabus is one of the best ways to achieve a Level 3 qualification in an easy, accessible way without the pressure of a classroom. If you always wanted to complete your A-levels but never quite got around, this is the time to do it.

This online course in A Level Psychology created according to AQA’s syllabus is one of the best ways to achieve a Level 3 qualification in an easy, accessible way without the pressure of a classroom. If you always wanted to complete your A-levels but never quite got around, this is the time to do it.

This course will provide you with a comprehensive overview of the most common forms of mental health issues. Each module will focus on a particular issue, its causes and what can be done to manage it. 

This animal assisted intervention level 3 diploma covers the bond between animals and humans. Exploring how they can support individuals with rehabilitation, disease and disabilities.

This course is designed as a top-up qualification for Veterinary Professionals who wish to expand their medical training and contribute to their continued professional development.

CBT, Psychotherapy and Counselling
CBT, Psychotherapy and Counselling Category

Talking therapies help hundreds of thousands of people every year work through mental health challenges ranging from depression to mental breakdowns. They provide an essential service to those who rely... Learn more >

Complementary Therapies
Complementary Therapies Category

Complementary therapies are treatments used alongside mainstream medicines. There are many exciting opportunities for people with an interest in health and have the skills to get on well with a... Learn more >

Nutritional Sciences
Nutritional Sciences Category

To live a healthy life, we need to look after our overall well-being, and nutrition plays a pivotal role. The food and drink we consume affects not only our bodies... Learn more >

Stress Management
Stress Management Category

Our daily lives are full of highs and lows, and we constantly face challenges. On occasion those challenges can cause us stress, which can lead to detrimental issues if not... Learn more >

Beauty Category

If you’re creative, like the idea of a sociable career and potentially being your own boss, getting qualified in beauty therapy is a great way to have a career that... Learn more >

Psychotherapy Category

Psychotherapy is the use of psychological methods, based on regular personal interaction to help a person change behavior and overcome problems in desired ways. We offer a range of courses designed... Learn more >

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